Monday, October 16, 2017

Wrong Time

“I was born in the wrong time,” Nico sighed, not for the hundredth time.

It was 2164, and it was too bright, too loud, and too much. She should have been born before technology had its big take over, when she could learn to hunt with a spear or to fight with a sword, not when she had to dive through layers of code to make any difference.

She went around her small apartment turning off monitors. She had two major rigs with three screens, a personal laptop, a work issued one, several pads and a couple cellphones. Plus or minus burners.

When it had all been turned off, it was eerily quiet, not very dark because of the thousands of adverts outside and the glow from her neighbor's windows. Nico rolled her eyes and turned on her laptop and faced it towards the window, if she didn't someone might call the cops for “suspicious activity”.

She sat on her couch and closed her eyes, and jacked in. Suddenly the world around her disappeared and she was surrounded by brilliant color. With a few motions, she organized everything into organic shapes and colors, her virtual self stood tall and ready for arcane battle. She drew her broad sword and started cutting through code, searching for a weak link.

“I really should have been born in a different time”, she muttered as she dove further into Cover ID's of the corrupt.

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