Monday, June 5, 2017


We don’t play tag where I’m from.

6 years ago, it was the dead of winter. We had snow that was taller than houses. This made our homes very snug, but it also changed the entire landscape of our world.

As children we decided to use this to our advantage. We turned the obfuscated snow into new landmarks, we dug trenches, and created perfect hiding holes.

It was perfect for playing tag.

In general, winter is the time of the year where we are stuck indoors because of the miserable biting cold, it then becomes our time to create and make new things for our home, repair tools and keep records. This year was different.

The snow was such a great insulator that the winter became a mild playground to run around in. As children we were not content to sit and obediently complete tasks our mothers gave to us. We wanted to run and play. So we did.

Every moment the sun was above the horizon we were playing. Then that fateful day happened.

We were playing near the quarry, but every child who was there that day swears we were not that close.

Katherine was running away from Steven, a funny red head who had a crush on her. Katherine was the fastest runner in our village. No one knows what made her stop on the crest of a snow bank.

But when Steven touched her, she fell.

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