Monday, April 10, 2017


“Why is he bleeding?” Stephanie asked, slight panic edging your voice.

“Because he’s an idiot.” Tracy snapped as she tried to stem the bleeding.

Stephanie stiffened in frustration and laced her voice with sarcasm, “I didn’t know idiocy caused people to spontaneously bleed.”

Taking a deep breath Tracy knew she had to do something or this would go badly. Making sure that his bleeding had stopped she rocked back on her heels, “Well It’s an unexplained phenomenon really. You’ve heard of the flight or fight response right?

“Hasn’t everyone?” Stephanie groaned.

“Well sure,” continued Tracy, “but what you might not have heard of is the bleed or make bleed phenomenon.”

Stephanie snorted

“You laugh, but it’s a real thing. Most people have a great instinct to stay away from things that will cause them to bleed. But those who posses great idiocy also posses great puissant. The power to get themselves killed for no apparent reason.” Tracy gestured, “take this idiot for example. He thought it would be a great idea to rush two women and steal from them.”

“Thieves take things all the time from women, why would he have thought otherwise? That doesn’t make him an idiot” Stephanie interjected.

“He should have used his eyes! We don’t carry ourselves like normal women, we have warrior stances, we look like we mean business, you carry a knife on your belt!.” Tracy kicked his leg, “the guy is an idiot.”

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