Monday, March 6, 2017

En Gardé

10 breaths to calm my soul and still my thrumming heart. It is one thing to run away with what you love, it’s another to let it drag you down a path you don’t want to go. The key is to be calm and let the storm of emotions rage outside.

9 micro stretches to warm the quivering muscles who have become tight as piano wires in anticipation.

8 unnecessary titivations. They don’t improve my performance but they channel my warspirit and help me feel beautiful.

7 chakras to remember and respect. If all are balanced then the rest of life can be maintained and endured.

6 tactics that I have practiced time and time again. I will never get tired of practicing these, since if one turns into a mistake it could cost me everything.

5 terrible memories replayed to remind myself of the importance of patience. Patience to learn, patience to forgive, patience to overcome, patience to grow and patience to become better.

4 smiles to brighten this event. One from the heart, a second from the head, the third from the body and the brightest from the soul.

3 waves of excitement. Each one building to the next and cresting on a glorious high.  

2 friends who will always be with me even if they will never again be by my side.

1 mantra “You do this because you love it, love it because you do it.”

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