Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Persephone had never been so ungrateful in her entire life. She knew she should have been, she had been wandering in the desert for most of a week. She had finally been saved, but maybe not for the best.

She had been slowly staggering towards what she knew intellectually was a mirage of an oasis, it wasn’t the first time, when she stumbled into a helipad. It was a rich, custom helipad exquisitely manicured and decorated.

Persephone remembered finding what she supposed would be a safe haven, and she remembered collapsing in the cool grass, but she didn’t remember anyone coming to take her captive.

Now she found herself in a small room, It was probably a broom closet that was hastily converted into a cell, cool and away from the baking sun. But she was still dying of dehydration and starvation.

Upon waking she had crawled to the door, determined to start pounding and yelling for help, but she was so weak that she could only scratch quietly and croak out moans hoping that someone would hear and help.

Hours passed, or maybe it was days. Persephone had long since given up on time. She knew she should be grateful, someone knew where she was and had “rescued” her, but as time slipped by she grew more panicked.

The door suddenly swung open and Persephone was greeted by the unblinking eyes of a lizard the size of a horse.

Monday, November 6, 2017


She was bone weary exhausted. The victory feast had been a welcome distraction, but as the clan leaders droned on she felt the weariness seep into every muscle and every fiber of her body. It was time for a much deserved rest.

As she opened the door to her home her eyes filled with tears of gratitude. One of her slaves must have run on ahead and lit the hearth.

With the door firmly closed behind her, Agatha let the mask slip, she nearly stumbled as she knelt before the warmth emanating from the hearth.

“Thank you,” she murmured, “thank you for the brave who took up arms against us. Please guide their souls to a well deserved rest.”

“Thank you for blessing us with courageous men and women. Guild their souls to great glory and prepare them to fight for the end.”

“Bless the families of those who have lost, who are without husband, brother and son. Help them to feel glory at the sacrifice that was paid for them. Bring peace to their sorrows.”

“May we always strive to fight for your honor, and to bring pride to our clan and people. For thee and we.”

A Agatha paused for a brief moment to cement her prayer in her heart. She made her way to her bed and buried herself in furs. As she drifted off to sleep, she promised herself that she could sleep for a week.